Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Game and an Analysis

Yes I did just post a few minutes ago. I'm bored and I just read Gommeziblog ( so I'm going to use his ipod story game.

Birth- I Don't Want to Miss a Thing-Aerosmith
First birthday- One Last Breath-Creed
First day of school- Love Stinks-The J. Geils Band
Middle school- Godzilla-Blue Oyster Cult
First girlfriend- Bohemian Rhapsody-Queen
Puberty- Dancing Through Life-Wicked
First breakup- Behind Blue Eyes-The Who
High school- Too Much Time on My Hands-Styx
High school graduation- Blue on Black-Kenny Wayne Shepherd
Choice of college major- Freewill-Rush
College- The Grand Illusion-Styx
College graduation- American Pie-Don McLean
Meets future wife- Master of Puppets-Metallica
Engagement- As Long As You're Mine-Wicked
Marriage- Dust in the Wind-Kansas
Have a child- Master of Puppets-Metallica
Become sick- Accio Deathly Hallows-Hank Green
Death- What it Takes-Aerosmith
Funeral- Point of Know Return-Kansas

Ok.. That was kinda weird. Now I want to try to analyze this based on title and song. You might want to listen to the songs first to better understand.

When my ipod was born he (I guess) was excited about life or his parents didn't want to miss anything in his life (cause parents are like that). Then on his first birthday maybe he almost choked to death or something, but of course he survived. He was just without air for a while. On his first day of school I guess he started to like some girl and either that alone upset him or he found out that she didn't like him. I guess in middle school he was mean to everyone else or something so he was like Godzilla. The first girlfriend thing I don't really understand. Um.. Puberty I guess either he stopped worrying about stuff or something. After his first breakup he felt as if nobody understood him. In high school he had a lot of free time (maybe because he stopped caring about stuff and therefore didn't do work). I guess maybe he was indifferent about his high school graduation. He didn't choose something to major in in college. College I guess was like an illusion to him. It all seemed fake. Or else he realized that life was this way during college. College graduation was depressing I guess.. someone died.. I don't really know.

His future wife I guess was either a drug addict or else he got addicted to drugs and that was a metaphor. He 'fell in love' with drugs. Engagement is kinda straight forward. His marrage no longer matters I guess so maybe they got divorced or she died or something. I think he didn't have children, but got into drugs again instead. Or else his child ended up getting into drugs. I don't really understand the getting sick one. If you taker letters away it says 'Accio Death' which would mean he's wants death to come. I think he's trying to let go of life before he dies or other people are trying to let go of him. Not too sure on the funeral one. Maybe it's that everyone knows that they can move on better after the funeral.

Yeserday's Game

Went to the football game last night. Chris and I had to leave early. We were winning 27 to 12 (I think) when we left. I didn't have as good of a time as last time I went.

Josh looked at me early in the game, but I couldn't tell if he nodded or not. I barely nodded back.

I was alone most of the time. And even if Kasey, Chris, and Jamie were near me none of them usually paid attention to me so it didn't matter.

It got really cold and started to rain. After it started to rain Chris tried to steal my hood a few times and him and Kasey put it on my head. I didn't want it on though. I like the rain (I know I'm weird).

I tried to watch Josh as much as possible during the game, but I also watched the game a little. Thanks to Coach Anderson I now understand it a little.

Social events aren't for me. I get ignored by everyone then yelled at for not being social.

Anyway, into today...

I was originally going to go on a haunted hayride with Chris later, but it's raining so we're gonna try tomorrow.

Maybe today I'll try to read a lot of Catching Fire. I don't have anything better to do. I'm bored already.

I still don't really feel good from last night.

Anyway, sorry to bother you all with a fairly depressing post. Sorry to disappoint you all by telling you about how I'm not good at being social. If you scold me in the comments I won't blame you.

I guess I should go now.

Blog to ya later.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Weekend is Almost Over :(

Ok, this is my first weekend post! And from now on there probably will only be posts when we don't have school.

On Saturday I got to go to my grandparents' house and see my 3 year old cousin, Matthew! Then I got to go to 2 parties with my boyfriend, Chris. It was the first time in a long time that I got to see his family. The first party was because his cousin was officially adopted and the second was because his grandmother retired. It was a fun night. Chris's grandfather invited me to Thanksgiving. I realized last night that I've never had a group of people outside of my family accept me as much as his family.

Anyway, the snow is gone now (yes there was snow already).

I stayed up late last night. It feels good to do that :). School tomorrow :(. Half days most of this week :).

Ok, I'm done with that now.

Well I guess I should finish my homework.

I always start to write 'Today is awesome because' at the end of these posts.

Blog to ya later!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Thoughts About the Blog

I was thinking a lot about what I could do with this blog while I was trying to get to sleep last night and I think I might actually try some of them. The real one that I remember is song of the day (if it applies for that day)- I will name a song and give you the link to it for a youtube video. It will always be one of the songs that I had stuck in my head a lot that day.

So far today I don't have one, but last night while I was trying to sleep I started singing DFTBA
( ).

Anyway, I went to Nick's (refer to 10MoW blog) party last night. It reminded me of how much I miss get-togethers. You can read Eric's blog for more details about that.

Yes, I'm being kind of lazy with this post.

I went to my 3 year old cousin, Matthew's party and I mostly explained that in tweets.

Sorry that I was kind of teasing you with this stuff, but I don't feel like retyping stuff.

Anyway, blog to ya later!

(If you ever want to read my posts again, that is)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

First, Dede could Read... Then, she could speak... Now, Dede is taking it to the next level. Dede can BLOG!

Thank you for the idea Eric.

I have been thinking for a while since I started high school and 10MonthsofWork (read it! that I should start my own blog. Now I finally am!

By the way, most of you won't really understand my title so please don't worry about it.

Anyway, I will try to post non-school related/after school/summer things on here as much as possible. In the next few weeks I will try to make the blog look nicer, too and get filled with more information.

Yay! I'm proud of myself for finally doing this and thank you Eric for pretty much forcing me to.

Hopefully next time I post I have more to say and the post is more interesting.

Blog to ya later everyone!


(Yes I felt the need to sign my first post so deal with it. Also, I will explain the nickname somewhere later probably.)