Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I figured it was about time for an update. Even though nothing new has really happened. Monday i had my first guitar lesson with my father and he taught me 3 things: 1. How to tune the guitar 2. The 4 basic chords (G, E minor, C, and D) 3. You don't learn during a guitar lesson, you learn between guitar lessons

Other than that my life has mostly just been following its usual routine. Which is why i would like to dedicate this post to routines. As much as routine frustrates me, it also helps keep me sane. So, I would like to share with you my daily routine.
1. wake up (usual pretty late over the summer)
2. check facebook, twitter, email, and then youtube
3. watch new youtube videos from people/series that i actually stay up-to-date on (with 2 exceptions)
4. talk to mom when she gets home
5. eat dinner
6. watch the 2 exception videos with my mom
7. watch tv with mom
8. say goodnight to mom
9. watch more tv/play technic pack
10. go to bed or hide in my room until mom has left for work (has yet to succeed)
Then of course there are lesser things in the weekly routine to discuss (i'm not sure why i'm sharing all of this but it is on my mind. feel free to quit reading here, you won't miss much):
Youtube videos i watch (when they're new): Tobygames: Zelda: The Skyward Sword, Minecraft, Skyrim, Happy Wheels(one of the two exception videos) Yogscest: anything minecraft (with a few exceptions) (also the other exception video) Wheezywaiter
TV schedule: Monday: i don't watch anything except occasionally i watch Hell's Kitchen and Master Chef with my mom
Tuesday: Total Drama Revenge of the Island; occasionally i watch Hell's Kitchen and Master Chef with my mom
Wednesday: Franklin and Bash is on too late for my mom so we watch it on demand over the weekend; Futurama
Thursday: Men at Work is on too late for my mom so we watch it on demand over the weekend; occasionally The Choice and Take me Out
Friday: Common Law Saturday night: marathon of Psych Sunday: nothing good usually =/ Late at night i usually watch Friends, sometimes Seinfeld, Futurama or The Office (on netflix).
So... Yeah I've pretty much just described my whole summer, but if anything else of interest happens you will be the first to know. Until then i will probably only make boring posts like this. Hoping that i didn't bore you to death! Danielle

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