Thursday, July 5, 2012

Books Can Hurt

I know that i haven't posted in a while but to be fair not much has been happening other than packing for vacation (i leave tomorrow which is friday since i'm currently writing this at 3:00 thursday morning). Also, Eric hasn't been blogging either and though i know that he has been very busy and has an excuse i still feel a little abandoned.

Anyway, Today i started reading It's Kind of a Funny Story which i've owned and have wanted to read for almost a year now. Anyway, i wish that i had started it last month when i was already so depressed (and actually had some time to read). So, i'm kind of addicted to the book (both because it's entertaining and because i can relate to the main character and his thoughts) and i've read about 122 pages today already. However, the book makes me cry quite often because while he is being depressed and thinking thoughts that most normal people would just think 'that's sad' when reading, i read his thoughts and can relate to them. So then i think 'i understand' or 'i've been there' or 'i agree' or 'i think so/have thought so too' etc. Then i remember stuff related to his thoughts, my own thoughts or experiences and i cry not only because of the painful memories but also because it makes me fear that i actually am depressed. then i try desperately (and sometimes succeed) to find differences between his symptoms and mine.

Now i don't feel like sleeping even though i know that i should, but mostly i just want my mom to get up so that i can hug her even though i know that she will be mad that i am awake so late at night.

And so i guess i should be going, to attempt to sleep before a day full of packing.

Sleep well readers!

PS- I finally figured out how to fix the spacing issue in the blog! yay!

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