Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July Yesterday!

So i figured i'd just make one post for this past weekend.

i just finished watching every episode of Futurama (which only took me about 4 days).

well, on saturday i got the two books that we need to read this summer vacation: Fahrenheit 451 and A Separate Peace. they are surprisingly smaller than i thought they would.

on the fourth of july i spent most of the day playing with my little cousin Matthew. then we watched a firework show that wasnt from the same people as usual, but we still very good.

not much special happened. one of my aunts was sick so she wasnt there and neither was my cousin Jessica.

I also learned some interesting news that im not sharing yet.

anyway I know that nobody reads most of my posts and that its mostly pointless to post but oh well. i will anyway.

Well. Matt has been sick for a few days and went to the hospital some time after we left last night. he's going to be fine and he doesnt have anything deadly.

Everything will be ok, but i thought i'd share it just to kinda make myself feel better and feel like i was actually talking about it.

anyway i dont even know who will read this if anyone. if you do read it, however please disregard most of this post.

I hope that everyone had a great 4th of July. Tell me about your weekend in the comments.


  1. Sounds like a good day!! And I am glad he doesn't have anything deadly.

  2. Stop being so down on yourself, saying that nobody reads your posts... It's not like I comment on every post or anything.

  3. srry eric but i was just feeling that way that day =/

    and im srry im not allowed to express my thoughts and stuff in my personal blog ill try to keep that in mind =/

  4. That's not what I meant, Dede. What I did mean was you've got loyal readers (Angela and I) and we don't like it when you ignore us =[ [Or at least I don't. I can't speak for Ayng.]

  5. i wasnt ignoring u its just sometimes im not sure that u guys read just like sometimes u say that nobody reads ur blog post but ive always read them from the time that i started following it
