Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Percy Movie

ok all in all this was a good movie. but it just wasnt percy :(.

people were missing: nancy, ares, clarisse, cerberus, Mr. D, or oracle.

from the beginning:

zeus and poseidon talk in the very beginning, and act like they never see each other when they are all supposed to meet 2 times a year on olympus. also,the mist didnt work.

before camp: everything is explained after the fury attacks. grover attacks gabe, gabe attacks percy 2 times, grover brings percy home from the museum, mr. brunner gives percy the pen to keep in the museum and he doesnt kill the fury with it.

in general: the pen was gold, unnamed, and u clicked it instead on uncapping it. no beach scene.

Camp: percy kills the minotaur quickly. his mom doesnt know how to fight the minotaur or that she cant get into camp until she tries to get through the boarder. percy wakes up in what seems to be a hospital tent, there are tents not cabins, no big house, percy fights anabeth in capture the flag not clarisse (obviously), percy captures the flag, percy doesnt get a quest he just tries to leave camp after hades tries to talk to him through the fire, annabeth and grover try to stop him, luke has his own cabin with video games, he gives them shoes, a map, and a shield with the lightning bolt in it.

Quest: to save percy's mom buy first finding 3 pearls. minor quest: get lightning bolt returned.

General: they can all drive. percy can use the winged shoes, the shoes aren't rigged. annabeth doesnt have her cap.

quest one: medusa, random lady getting turned to stone in front of them. iphone. truck.

quest two: random parthenon, hydra appears inside. it breaths fire. annabeth shoots arrows and things that make people unconscious. hydra gets turned to stone.

quest three: lotus hotel. if u eat the flowers, u'll want to stay there???? stealing a car on display that had keys in it.

hades: charon burnt money, no story about dying :(, the entrance is a hole in the ground in hollywood, part of styx was in the air, persephone had a larger role, hades found the bolt and wanted to use it, they left grover behind instead of percy's mom.

olympus: luke fought percy and they flew all over the place. the elevator was different and there wasnt a person at a desk. i dont even think they got the elevator from the ground floor. poseidon asked permission to talk to percy and said that it was his fault that the gods weren't allowed to see their kids.

general: annabeth and luke never met their parents. luke stole from his father.

end: chiron acted like dumbledor, percy and annabeth trained together.

i basically included everything

theater: random guy commenting on a lot of things like grover eating a can and himself going to nashville and stuff. baby crying. for more info visit this blog

Blog to ya later


  1. I liked the movie, but I was upset how they changed it all! I kept thinking throughout the movie "that's not right, that's not right." I liked the movie, I just wished I saw it the way that Rick Riordan wrote it :(
