Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Busy Weekend

i know its shocking isnt it?

ill try to include just about everything i remember.


first i went to triple a with my mom so she could get her license renewed. it went by a lot quicker than we thought it would.
when my mom said she'd like to be put down as an organ donor i made a monty python reference by saying: "but then they might break into our house and try to steal your liver"
then we played with some loud speaking map puzzle thing of the U.S. my mom got her license back after we put like 2 states in though so we had to try to hurry up.

around noon eric came over so we could watch a few episodes of pokemon (i think we watched about 10)
he met sheldon (my tortoise) and met my cat, ashes (or patches in his mind), for the second time
we took a bunch of dailybooth photos too that you can see on we kinda abused it.
we also exchanged laptops for a while
oh and i bought him yogos and he talked me into taking 1 or "1" out of each bag even though i really dont like them.
i finally gave him my old dead watch

then we went to angela's house for a bonfire
eric and i went in at exactly 7:02 (well at least according to the clock in the car, which was fast)
we looked for bee-bees and collected a lot of them until other people started to show up
angela's brother wouldnt shoot a yogo out of his bee-bee gun :(
so now here are the main things that we did there: munchkin skipping (both separate and in groups and sometimes racing or down the street)
visited a tree that is in the middle of the street near angela's house (we even videotaped it)
played a strange version of duck duck goose that (even though it didnt always apply) i think we called Duck Duck Goat
played the wonder ball
talked about a weird robot lady (long story)
otherwise we were mostly just random

i didnt get home until around 11:30 and chris stayed with us for about 10 minutes until his parents came to get him

it was a pretty fun day though


i had to go to my grandparents' house because my mom and aunt were cleaning out one of the rooms. i had to entertain my little cousins (kevin and kelly)

i was in a bad mood all day and am only slightly better now

they have such short attention spans and the only time they actually stuck with somethign to play for more than 10 minutes was when they wanted to play with guns, which i hate more than just about anything that they make me play.

i didnt get to eat all day until around 4:00 either =/
so that didnt help my mood

the highlight of my day was actually when i got to shuck corn outside alone for a while.
then, when i was on the 2nd to last piece of corn, the kids came out and tried to help which was both frustrating and time consuming.

i didnt get home until around 6:00 either. so i was there about 6 hours.

i had a tough day =/ i guess it just had to balance me out because i actually had a great day on saturday.

anyway that's about it

i still dont know how i should end these so maybe i will just leave.

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